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Новсти АвтоЧип.RU

16.02.2025Обновлены каталоги чип-тюнингаМарок автомобилей: 65.
Тюнинг программ: 7166, в том числе дизель - 2737, бензин турбо - 1599, заводской тюнинг и Stage-2/3 - 1661, грузовики и трактора - 796.

Isuzu, Kenworth - Cummins CM2450Разработаны программы тюнинга и отключений систем DPF / EGR / TVA / AdBlue для грузовиков Kenworth, Isuzu, Dodge 2020+ двигателями 6.7-15.0TDI на контроллерах Cummins CM2450.Подробнее »

Тюнинг файлы с графиком мощности
Isuzu NPR 5.2TDI 204hp 2023 18.01 
VW Polo 1.6TDI 90hp 2020 21.11 
Daewoo Prima 11.1TDI 420hp 2020 16.11 
Volvo FH D13K460 12.8TDI 2020 30.09 
GreatWall Poer 2.0TDI 2022 22.08 
Dodge Ram 405hp 6.7TDI 2022 08.08 
Volvo FMX 12.8TDI 420hp 2021 06.08 
MB GT 4.0TT 585hp 2021 04.08 
Dodge Ram 3.0TDI 2021 27.07 
MB Actros 3363 15.6TDI 2023 20.07 
Dongfeng 2236X8 4.0TDI 2023 18.07 
Volvo B8R 7.8TDI 350hp 2018 Stg1-Eco 11.07 

Чип тюнингАвто Чип .RU

Расшифровка диагностических кодов ошибок

Легковые OBD2: P / U или грузовые J1939:

Диагностические коды неисправности группы "DPF"

P1400 - DPFE Circuit Low Input
P1401 - DPFE Circuit High Input
P1403 - DPFE Sensor Hoses Reversed
P1405 - DPFE Sensor Upstream Hose Off Or Plugged
P1497 - DPF Overload (Mitsubishi)
P1498 - DPF Overload (MMC) / Voltage Problem In EGR Valve Position Sensor (Honda)
P2002 - Particulate trap. bank 1 - DPF efficiency below threshold
P2003 - Particulate trap. bank 2 - DPF efficiency below threshold
P200C - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 1 - Overload
P200D - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 2 - Overload
P242F - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) - blockage/ash accumulation DPF
P244A - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) - differential pressure too low
P244B - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) - differential pressure too high
P244C - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 1 - exhaust temperature too low for regeneration
P244D - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 1 - exhaust temperature too high for regeneration
P244E - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 2 - exhaust temperature too low for regeneration
P244F - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 2 - exhaust temperature too high for regeneration
P2452 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A - circuit malfunction Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2453 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A - circuit malfunction Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2454 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A - circuit low Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2455 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A - circuit high Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2456 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor A - circuit malfunction Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2458 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). regeneration process - duration malfunction
P2459 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). regeneration process - number of DPF regeneration cycles too high
P245E - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B - circuit malfunction Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P245F - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure differential sensor B - circuit range/performance Wiring. DPF pressure differential sensor. ECM
P2460 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B - circuit low Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2461 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B - circuit high Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2462 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor B - circuit malfunction Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P2463 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) - DPF restricted soot accumulation
P2464 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 2 - differential pressure too low
P2465 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF). bank 2 - differential pressure too high
P246B - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) - vehicle conditions incorrect
P246C - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) - DPF restricted, limp mode
P246D - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) pressure sensor - A/B correlation Wiring. DPF pressure sensor. ECM
P249F - Excessive time to enter closed loop Diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration control
P24A0 - Closed loop Diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration control. control limit reached - temperature too low
P24A1 - Closed loop Diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration control. control limit reached - temperature too high
P24A2 - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) regeneration - regeneration not completed
P260E - Diesel particulate filter (DPF) warning lamp - control circuit malfunction Wiring. DPF warning lamp
P3071 - DPF - Additive level low

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